
Operation Diaper Drive is underway!

The 4th annual diaper drive, headed up by Weyerhauser and other groups with the hope of collecting 1.3 million diapers for low income families across North America.

Diapers are the most requested and least donated items at food banks, and most services don’t recognize diapers as a basic necessity. That and if you think about some of these kids blowing through 8-12 diapers during the day at day-care, you can get a sense of the need, and cost (more than $1200 a year)

You can drop off diaper donations to Weyerhauser now until March 25th. You may also drop off at the Pete Eager Fire Hall in Grande Prairie (8111 Resources Rd)

Last year 45 thousand diapers were donated to families in need right here in Grande Prairie, hopefully we will see that increase this year!