Celebrating Black History today and every day. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the Black community and reflect on experiences and accomplishments. So all month we’re highlighting some of the iconic black artists who’ve changed rock n’ roll.

This week’s spotlight is on an American musician, singer/songwriter, actor, and political activist: Tom Morello

Morello has an extremely impressive list of accolades from his time in Rage Against The Machine, Audioslave, Prophets Of Rage, in other collaborations, and on his own. At one point he even appeared in an episode of Star Trek: Voyager.

He has a political science degree from Harvard, as well as a bachelor of arts degree.

“I think I’ve always thrived on uncomfortable situations. I was the only black kid in Libertyville. The only pinko in the school. The only rock musician at Harvard. The only Harvard graduate living in a punk rock squat in Hollywood… so I think the fact that I studied political sciences at Harvard felt natural to me. I was still subversive in my own way. For instance, building a shantytown in the courtyard of the college to emphasize the evils of apartheid, and embarrass the powers-that-be.”

Morello was definitely born into a family of the same motivations. His mother founded Parents For Rock And Rap, which was an anti-censorship lobby.  Morello’s dad was a “freedom fighter for Kenyan independence (part of the Mau Mau guerilla movement), and then became his country’s first ambassador to the UN.”

Morello has also revealed that his great uncle was Jomo Kenyatta – the first president of Kenya.

For the Black Lives Matter Movement and the George Floyd protests, Tom Morello released a single titled “Stand Up”, you can watch the music video below.