Ok, file this as the official weirdest thing we’ve ever seen at a concert, and we’ve seen some weird stuff.

Last week at a music festival, and before you starting thinking Europeans have a new concert fetish, this happened in B.C! Like 90 minutes SW of Kamloops, so yeah, it’s us Canadians that are weird … ok back to the story … someone in the crowd at this festival started grating cheese on the heads other concertgoers. We’re talking Olive Garden, “say when”, full-on grating a whole block of cheese on other people.

Our sources haven’t confirmed what kind of cheese it was, but as soon as our researchers are out of the Quantum Leap accelerator, we’ll try to let you know.

Thankfully social media took over and gave us all the angles of this madness we’ll ever need. We want to now how long that cheese had been sitting in our mans pocket before grating occurred.


What’s weirdest thing you’ve ever seen at a concert?