On Tuesday’s drive show, The BIG Dirty, Justin and I were talking about back handed compliments we’ve heard to do with Grande Prairie. I’ve heard a few…

“It’s a better than I expected!” “WOW, You even have a Bed, bath and beyond!” or my personal favorite ” You’re so brave.. I wish I could run away and live in Northern Alberta.”

As someone who’s moved around multiple cities I can honestly say that, in my opinion, there are always pros and cons to each city or town I have lived in. So, for this week’s blog I thought I’d focus on some of my favorite events to date this summer which feature why Grande Prairie is #39 on the list as one of the fastest growing, widely inclusive and most desirable places to live in Canada!

Needless to say, it was tough to narrow down to 3 events but a girl has to do what I girl has gots to do (unless you want a novel long blog haha).

3. Canada Day at Muskoseepi; though rainy and cold.. was just the gentle reminder of how proud to be Canadian Grande Prairie is. This was a long weekend of food, local and live music and FUN for the whole family.

2. Alberta Summer Games & Road to the games. What an honor for Grande Prairie and area to have hosted this event. Shout out to Rosenau Transport for the hard work and dedication in volunteering their time and truck to donate equipment to athletes all over Alberta and support The 2018 Alberta Summer Games.

1. Rock Downtown and the countless concerts at Revolution Place, Bowes Events Center and Better Than Fred’s (more concerts to come like; Grizfest and Bear Creek Folk Festival). It’s been 6 weeks and I am still coming down from the high from those mind blowing sets by Northern Alberta’s very own talent performing FREE for us in Grande Prairie.

I have to give a special shout out to the growing events and Organizations in our community such as Peace Autism Society BBQ organized by parents and children affected by autism, Multi Cultural day, Riverstone/Cobblestone block party, Dave Barr Arena Annual Kids Fair, Street Performers Festival, Municipal Government Day, Oranj Fitness/Mats for Meta and their largest outdoor yoga class, Ronald McDonald House Charities Annual Golf Tournament, Swan City Rotary and  Pride Society.

Organizations like these along with the businesses who support them are what holds our city together and allows us to grow culturally and graphically.

Well done Peace Country, well done.


This weekend is going to be a little different. In my absence, Nolan will be filling in at Wapiti Road Shell on Friday noon until 1:00 with a $50 Wapiti Road Shell gas card for one lucky winner.

The rest of the August long weekend is over run by concerts, where will you be?

Check out the events page by clicking this link to see where to rest of The ROCK crew will be.

Coming back to the title, “A Northern Albertan’s survival guide” .. it’s really quite simple… Be involved! Appreciate and nurture how fortunate we are to be living in this lucrative city with so much to enjoy and of course.. always keep it tuned to 97.7 FM ROCK Grande Prairie.



I almost forgot to include the link to the quiz for A night at the Museum! ( I got T-Rex while Justin got Velocity Raptor HAHAHAHAHAH!!! )