Rolling Stone has an article out on Annoying Concert Behaviors and I’m having trouble figuring out which one of these things I hate more.

I’ll narrow some of the options down to get your blood boiling.

1. People that constantly, CONSTANTLY yell out song requests. Do you really think that at a 2.5 Foo Fighters concert, they won’t play Everlong? or that ZZ Top isn’t coming back for an encore of either Legs or Tush? Relax.

2. Filming songs. Ok, I’m guilty. I have done that. Guess how many times I watched that video? zero. I sent it to a friend, who now has me on his list: Annoying things friends do at concerts you’re not at.

3. Standing… or sitting. If all the people around you are sitting, probably a dink move to stand the entire time. Yes we know you’re excited, but no we have to stand to see the band, and we’re lazy. If you’re the only one sitting? GET UP MAN! RESPECT.

4. Smoking. Dude… this isn’t Woodstock. The only smoke I want in my eye is from the bands pyro, not your virginia slims.

5. Wrecking things. This usually applies to the washroom. You can fight your neighbour somewhere else… and would it kill you not to try and flush 16 pounds of toilet paper? If you show me a concert stadium 12 minutes into a show, I’ll show you 6 flooded washroom stalls.

Add to this list. Share this list. We need to raise awareness about proper concert etiquette. Note- these don’t apply to music festivals… those are no holds barred.