
Daredevil is back on Netflix? why didn’t someone tell me? Stoked for season 2… just check in with me so I don’t waste TOO much time. I always get a kick out of the prompt screen on Netflix… ARE YOU STILL WATCHING THIS?

Today on the morning show is your last chance to win your way into see Pop Evil at Better Than Fred’s April 1st. We have been playing Every Second Counts… a new contest here at ROCK 97.7 where we give you 10 seconds, and a subject (kind of like 5 in 10) for every thing you name in that 10 seconds, you get a second to identify a song. So if we asked different potato dishes and you said poutine, baked, and shepherds pie we would give you 3 seconds to guess the song we will play. If you get it, you’re in to see Pop Evil, and we will give you a $25 Mary Browns gift card, too!