
By now you’re likely familiar with everything that is McHappy Day! A great day that supports Ronald Mcdonald charities all across North America. McHappy Day also supports many other charities, including a history of helping Kev’s Kids! This year, McHappy Day in Grande Prairie is going to help the Grande Prairie School Snack Program.

You can help the same way you always have. By getting something to eat or drink. $1 from Big Macs and hot beverages will go towards all the charities McHappy Day supports. You can also make a donation at any McDonalds today.

Zena will be checking in at the downtown Grande Prairie Mcdonalds with more details this morning. For now, plan on the Mcdouble… rolling through with your breakfast and coffee today, and then checking back in for a Big Mac lunch. You can do anything for charity :)